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Welcome, a place to help women restore their perspective of food; their relationship between themselves and food; so that food can be eaten with ease to enable health.

Let’s break through your own barriers and find your own lane because when we do that, health becomes easier and realistic and food becomes uncomplicated. 


Do you...

  1. Lead a busy lifestyle and your just not as fit as you used to be leaving you a bit blergh, OR

  2. Have PCOS; Endometorosis; Irregular period cycles; Insulin resistance; Fatty liver been diagnosed and you feel so lost in how to manage these conditions through your diet OR

  3. Know you are heading down a less than ideal path for your health; your risk for chronic disease is becoming real, and it's time to turn things around, OR

  4. Feel that food is just too complicated, and you don’t know what to eat anymore to be right for your health.

And at the end of the day, you are tired, exhausted and not feeling you anymore. This fast paced living is leaving you making choices you know aren't ideal, but there is limited capacity to make sense of how to make changes to head in another direction and you just don’t know what to eat anymore, it doesn’t seem simple and you are living on coke and chocolate. 


We have to eat everyday so why not do so in a way that makes us feel well? Let’s remove the guilt and eat in a way that makes us feel well because we all have the capacity to do that. 

We are designed to need food. Eating is something we used to do without complication. Let’s restore this relationship, and eat in a way that makes you feel well, because that is what we were born to do.


All of my services at Nicole Barber Dietetics are virtual, which has created so much growth in opportunities to meet and work with clients all across Australia and the world. I work with clients through my eight week coaching program Restore. 



Over 8 week's I will personally work with you, tailorising your nutrition program to meet your health conditions, and where you are at.  The service is offered online, and is very flexible in engagements.  My ultimate goal, is to create ease in eating, body acceptance, and empowerment. I want you to understand your body and how you can live to look after you, whether it is to regulate your cycles, manage your weight, reduce your symptoms associated with your hormonal condition and/ or to eat with food peace. 

Meet Nicole

Accredited Practicing Dietitian (aka a university achiever of 2 degrees, studying 6 years of science, Bachelor and Masters degrees), Accredited health change coach and an every day woman who juggles motherhood, work and life.

Food has become so complicated, and it did for me as well. I’ve struggled with knowing which foods are right for me; trusting food and our selves around food.  Yet when I found my food, my body started to work again. So I have kept studying.

I'm here to teach you how to embrace yourself, and learn to see all aspects of your health in a stronger light knowing it is just the start of the journey. 

Restore - Empower - Uncomplicate - Encourage

                       Nicole Barber Dietetics

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